The Graveyard Shift DVD


Like a cat in the night’s black shadows, Graveyard Shift pounces into the strange light of the midnight worker. Deep inside the nocturnal hush is the hum of men and women bringing comfort to our sleep, and peace to our cities. Delivering our food, patrolling our streets, tending our dead, curing our pets and children, they answer the call that is fear and need. Their characters are distinctive against the black of night; The Graveyard Shift will frighten, fascinate, amuse and trouble people of the light.

Graveyard Shift is a rollicking plunge into the neon world of the midnight worker. From the tender mercies of unsung heroes to the flashing light of emergency workers, these are small-town characters inhabiting the big city’s night. From the thudding pulse of the crime photographer, tow truck driver, nurse and vet, to the nocturnal rhythms of the dominatrix, funeral worker and female impersonator, these are stories of valour, humour, longing and loneliness. Produced and directed by Peter Raymont and Lindalee Tracey, Graveyard Shift is close to the bone story telling that will haunt and delight the human heart.

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